Posts Tagged ‘decision making’

Moving with Purpose with Focus and Flexibility

A Key Skill of Business Leaders

Focusing on study

If you were to compile a checklist of attributes for great leaders, it would probably include the following items:

  • Visionary
  • Great communication skills
  • Focus
  • Courage under fire
  • Charismatic
  • Strategic thinker

When I ask business owners which of these attributes is most important for a …

Make Boss’ Day – The day of Get it Done

I hereby declare Boss’ Day 2013 the the Day of the GET IT DONE.  As in – go do it. Now!  Make progress!  Move forward already!
English: Xavier University's Smith Hall

Xavier University’s Smith Hall

DO: Create forward movement in your business

Ok fellow Ember Carriers, business owners, soloprenuers, and start-ups – it’s time to …

Handle Change By Focusing on Them

Time For Change

Time For Change

When there are changes that need to be made in your business, and you ask your people if they are afraid about the upcoming changes, would they answer “yes” or “no?”

Do you think they would tell you the truth, or would they tell you what they

Self Doubt? Stop It!

No matter how long you have had your company or where you are in your career, CEO’s and company leaders can stay encouraged by learning how to respond more effectively to their

Will Smith

Don’t let the outside get in!

circumstances. The pressure of running a company or leading a large employee …

5 Key Traits of Great Leaders

Leadership Traits

Leadership Traits

In the book, Lessons From the Top: The Search for America’s Best Business Leaders, Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks, made the following observation:

“I think it’s very difficult to lead today when people are not really truly participating in the decision. You won’t be able to …

Innovation, Optimization, Capital Key to Sustainable Growth

Business Growth

Don’t take chances with your business growth

The formula for success is certainly not new:

Innovation +Optimization + Capital =Sustainable Growth

It has been stated and practiced by business experts and industry leaders for time and time again. Why then, do companies fall short or struggle?

Some experts think that …