Recently during a conversation with a client over the summer she was telling about her 5 year old graduation from Kindergarten. Kindergarten?!? I don’t remember graduating. A few weeks later I discuss this concept with another consultant who said he never went to his graduation after receiving
In a conversation with one of Xavier University mentees on the topic of job searching at some point I remember saying, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know… and who knows you.”
That is because so many job openings are filled by referrals. And …
This past school year I volunteer to be a mentor to two Xavier students. During our conversations I dispel many myths about job hunting. One myth is about the 1-page resume. No offense to college career advisers, book authors on the subject and new recruiters, but there is nothing more …
Last week after a conversation with my Xavier University mentee about his LinkedIn Profile I wrote a post on a couple key components for an ideal student profile. Well the list was completed so I thought this week I would give you the rest of the key components for a …