Posts Tagged ‘FUEL’

The Ten Commandments of Good Design


Dieter Rams at Vitsœ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Dieter Rams is a German industrial designer who has been recognized as one of the most influential industrial designers of the 20th century. He worked for 40 years at the German consumer products company, Braun. Today, he works at Vitsœ, a …

Moving with Purpose with Focus and Flexibility

A Key Skill of Business Leaders

Focusing on study

If you were to compile a checklist of attributes for great leaders, it would probably include the following items:

  • Visionary
  • Great communication skills
  • Focus
  • Courage under fire
  • Charismatic
  • Strategic thinker

When I ask business owners which of these attributes is most important for a …

Featured Competency: Persuasive Communications

Persuasion by Jane Austen

What does it mean it mean to be persuasive? It means moving people to action. It means having an impact with your communications. It means getting ideas across and making a difference.

Defining it as a competency means: The ability to plan and deliver oral and written communications that are …

I Don’t Understand – Getting Employees Onboard

Young man with doesn't know gesture

What happens when employees don’t understand?

What is the hardest part of implementing new processes in your business? For most companies, it is learning the new process and actually getting people to do things differently?

Michael Hammer, the business-process-reengineering guru, stated “The hard stuff is the soft stuff.” What he …

Innovation, Optimization, Capital Key to Sustainable Growth

Business Growth

Don’t take chances with your business growth

The formula for success is certainly not new:

Innovation +Optimization + Capital =Sustainable Growth

It has been stated and practiced by business experts and industry leaders for time and time again. Why then, do companies fall short or struggle?

Some experts think that …

What’s your economic recovery plan?

Ember Carriers

Moving you from possibility to results

In tough times, harnessing the power of your workforce is a must. But research shows that only 22% of organizations provide training to engage and empower their people. Be sure you’re one of them.  Now is not the time to HOPE you have developed …