Archive for the ‘Talent Development’ Category

Moving with Purpose with Focus and Flexibility

A Key Skill of Business Leaders

Focusing on study

If you were to compile a checklist of attributes for great leaders, it would probably include the following items:

  • Visionary
  • Great communication skills
  • Focus
  • Courage under fire
  • Charismatic
  • Strategic thinker

When I ask business owners which of these attributes is most important for a …

Featured Competency: Persuasive Communications

Persuasion by Jane Austen

What does it mean it mean to be persuasive? It means moving people to action. It means having an impact with your communications. It means getting ideas across and making a difference.

Defining it as a competency means: The ability to plan and deliver oral and written communications that are …

The Ideal Student LinkedIn Profile

Nederlands: Linked In icon

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In a conversation with one of Xavier University mentees on the topic of job searching at some point I remember saying, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know… and who knows you.”


That is because so many job openings are filled by referrals. And

Advice to My Mentees – The Myth of the 1-Page Resume

Resume Word Cloud

This past school year I volunteer to be a mentor to two Xavier students. During our conversations I dispel many myths about job hunting. One myth is about the 1-page resume. No offense to college career advisers, book authors on the subject and new recruiters, but there is nothing more …

Leader or Manager – which one are you?

Boss vs Leader

Lead don’t Boss your company

What sets apart  managers from leaders? Is there a difference between them?  We have looked at this subject before on the Ember Carriers blog.  And we are visiting the topic again because I get this question a lot with my clients or in discussions with …

Self Doubt? Stop It!

No matter how long you have had your company or where you are in your career, CEO’s and company leaders can stay encouraged by learning how to respond more effectively to their

Will Smith

Don’t let the outside get in!

circumstances. The pressure of running a company or leading a large employee …